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YU-GI-OH! - Yami Yugi ArtFX J 1/7 Pvc Figure

YU-GI-OH! - Yami Yugi ArtFX J 1/7 Pvc FigureYU-GI-OH! - Yami Yugi ArtFX J 1/7 Pvc FigureYU-GI-OH! - Yami Yugi ArtFX J 1/7 Pvc FigureYU-GI-OH! - Yami Yugi ArtFX J 1/7 Pvc FigureYU-GI-OH! - Yami Yugi ArtFX J 1/7 Pvc FigureYU-GI-OH! - Yami Yugi ArtFX J 1/7 Pvc Figure

Feedback degli utenti


119,90 Iva inclusa (22%)

Cod. art.: KTOPV001
Condizioni: Nuovo
Marca: Kotobukiya
Tipologia: Static Figure - Pvc
Scala: 1/7
EAN/UPC: 4934054036233
Disponibilità: disponibile disponibile per la spedizione immediata
From the popular Anime and manga series Yu-Gi-Oh! Comes Yami Yugi, the ancient pharaoh whose soul now co-exists in Yugi's body.

Kotobukiya's highly detailed sculpt and vibrant painting replicates the fine details of the character from the Millennium Puzzle worn on a chain around Yugi's neck to the multi-colored hair spikes.

Includes removable card duel disk and jacket/cape for a wider range of display options, allowing you to create the look you like.

Yami Yugi stands ready to play a card, with a selection of other cards in reserve in his left hand, bringing the card duels from the show to life!

Display alone or with other Kotobukiya Yu-Gi-Oh! Statues like the popular Black Magician Girl!


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    Feedback degli utenti
    •  06.01.2025 

      Very nice figure. Absolutely realistic! Very good quality! Nice packed, and arrived safely in time!

    •  06.01.2025 

      Parfait merci

    •  06.01.2025 

      Seller shipped really fast and had the product super safely secured, way more than would have been necessary. Highly recommend this seller!

    •  06.01.2025 

      Fantastic item and fast delivery, couldn't be happier!

    •  06.01.2025 

      item was dispatched quickly and arrived in good conidition: very happy with purchase

    •  05.01.2025 

      Ottimo Prezzo! Spedizione molto veloce!

    •  05.01.2025 

      Ottimo condizioni perfette

    •  05.01.2025 

      Ottimo Venditore. Spedizione estremamente rapida e articolo in ottime condizioni e adeguatamente imballato. Consigliato!

    •  05.01.2025 

      Bien reçu et en parfaite état. :)

    •  05.01.2025 

      Ottimo prodotto !! Qualità molto alta

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