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YU YU HAKUSHO - Hiei Pop Up Parade Pvc Figure

YU YU HAKUSHO - Hiei Pop Up Parade Pvc FigureYU YU HAKUSHO - Hiei Pop Up Parade Pvc FigureYU YU HAKUSHO - Hiei Pop Up Parade Pvc FigureYU YU HAKUSHO - Hiei Pop Up Parade Pvc FigureYU YU HAKUSHO - Hiei Pop Up Parade Pvc FigureYU YU HAKUSHO - Hiei Pop Up Parade Pvc FigureYU YU HAKUSHO - Hiei Pop Up Parade Pvc FigureYU YU HAKUSHO - Hiei Pop Up Parade Pvc FigureYU YU HAKUSHO - Hiei Pop Up Parade Pvc FigureYU YU HAKUSHO - Hiei Pop Up Parade Pvc FigureYU YU HAKUSHO - Hiei Pop Up Parade Pvc Figure

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49,90 Iva inclusa (22%)

Cod. art.: GSC94194
Condizioni: Nuovo
Marca: Good Smile Company
Tipologia: Static Figure - Pvc
EAN/UPC: 4580416941945
Disponibilità: disponibile disponibile per la spedizione immediata
Master of the Darkness Flame

POP UP PARADE is a new series of figures that are easy to collect with affordable prices and releases planned just four months after preorders begin! Each figure stands around 17-18 cm in height and the series features a vast selection of characters from popular anime and game series, with many more to be added soon!

The next character to join the POP UP PARADE series is Hiei from "Yu Yu Hakusho", the Demon born in the Glacial Village that possesses a Jagan Eye and is a master of the Darkness Flame. He's been recreated with a stern expression, glaring down his enemy with his Jagan Eye open. Be sure to add him to your collection!

It stands approx. 16 cm tall and comes in a window box.


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    Feedback degli utenti
    •  22.02.2025 

      Tutto ok

    •  21.02.2025 


    •  21.02.2025 

      Everything went smoothly. I can recommend this eBay seller!

    •  21.02.2025 

      Everything went smoothly. I can recommend this eBay seller!

    •  21.02.2025 

      Tutto perfetto

    •  21.02.2025 

      Guter Preis, sehr schnelle Lieferung von Italien nach Deutschland, sehr gute OVP Ware, reibungsloser Ablauf - alles Top. Good Price, very fast Shipping from Italy to Germany, very good Quality of the Product, smooth Process - all good.

    •  21.02.2025 

      Tutto perfetto A+++

    •  21.02.2025 

      Puntuale come da richiesta e integro in tutte le sue parti .venditore consigliato!

    •  21.02.2025 

      Shipment arrived safe and well, a pleasure to do business with! A+

    •  21.02.2025 

      Qualità e servizio eccellente come sempre ,grazie

    Elenco completo »

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