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WEREWOLF - The Howling - Werewolf Ultimate Action Figure

WEREWOLF - The Howling - Werewolf Ultimate Action FigureWEREWOLF - The Howling - Werewolf Ultimate Action FigureWEREWOLF - The Howling - Werewolf Ultimate Action FigureWEREWOLF - The Howling - Werewolf Ultimate Action FigureWEREWOLF - The Howling - Werewolf Ultimate Action FigureWEREWOLF - The Howling - Werewolf Ultimate Action FigureWEREWOLF - The Howling - Werewolf Ultimate Action FigureWEREWOLF - The Howling - Werewolf Ultimate Action FigureWEREWOLF - The Howling - Werewolf Ultimate Action FigureWEREWOLF - The Howling - Werewolf Ultimate Action FigureWEREWOLF - The Howling - Werewolf Ultimate Action FigureWEREWOLF - The Howling - Werewolf Ultimate Action FigureWEREWOLF - The Howling - Werewolf Ultimate Action FigureWEREWOLF - The Howling - Werewolf Ultimate Action FigureWEREWOLF - The Howling - Werewolf Ultimate Action FigureWEREWOLF - The Howling - Werewolf Ultimate Action FigureWEREWOLF - The Howling - Werewolf Ultimate Action FigureWEREWOLF - The Howling - Werewolf Ultimate Action FigureWEREWOLF - The Howling - Werewolf Ultimate Action FigureWEREWOLF - The Howling - Werewolf Ultimate Action FigureWEREWOLF - The Howling - Werewolf Ultimate Action FigureWEREWOLF - The Howling - Werewolf Ultimate Action Figure

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78,90 Iva inclusa (22%)

Cod. art.: NECA07100-06
Condizioni: Nuovo
Marca: Neca
Tipologia: Action Figure
EAN/UPC: 634482051009
Disponibilità: prossimo arrivo
What was supposed to be a healing retreat in the woods for a TV news anchor turns out to be a terrifying ordeal full of transforming werewolves!

From the 1981 horror classic directed by Joe Dante, The Howling, comes the Ultimate Werewolf action figure by NECA. Standing over 9 inches tall, it is fully articulated, and even features a moving jaw, ready to sink its teeth into the next victim!

It includes three interchangeable heads, several sets of hands, and a posing base with two different-sized rods for various height positions. Comes in collector-friendly window box packaging with opening front flap, making it perfect for display.

This will surely transform any horror collector's shelf!


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    Feedback degli utenti
    •  12.03.2025 

      Perfetto come sempre !!!!

    •  12.03.2025 

      Perfetto come sempre !!!!

    •  12.03.2025 

      Perfetto come sempre !!!!

    •  12.03.2025 

      Statuina stupenda, perfettamente conforme alla descrizione. Spedizione rapidissima, scatola e statua in condizioni impeccabili, e a un prezzo davvero competitivo rispetto ad altri rivenditori. Non si poteva chiedere niente di meglio, sono estremamente soddisfatto.

    •  12.03.2025 

      Envío muy rápido y perfectamente protegido. Todo genial.

    •  12.03.2025 

      Fast shipping, object in perfect condition, very well packed, thank you!!

    •  12.03.2025 

      Alles OK !

    •  12.03.2025 

      Soddisfatto, oggetto nuovo e conforme alla descrizione! Venditore consigliato! Top??

    •  12.03.2025 

      Everything went perfectly! Item absolutely perfect! Super fast shipping and secure packaging! Highly recommended! Danke aus Deutschland!!

    •  11.03.2025 

      ottimo negozio , di sicuro in futuro sarà una esperienza da ripetere .Gli do un bel 10 +

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