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MARVEL - Marvel Gallery - Netflix TV Series - Punisher Ver. 2 Pvc Figure

MARVEL - Marvel Gallery - Netflix TV Series - Punisher Ver. 2 Pvc Figure

Feedback degli utenti


79,90 Iva inclusa (22%)

Cod. art.: DIAMJAN182377
Condizioni: Nuovo
Marca: Diamond Select
Tipologia: Static Figure - Pvc
EAN/UPC: 699788828243
Disponibilità: prossimo arrivo
Frank Castle is caught in the crossfire in this all-new PVC diorama from the Marvel Gallery line! Inspired by the new Punisher TV Series on Netflix, this 23 cm PVC diorama shows Frank Castle crashing backwards through a brick wall as he takes aim at multiple targets. This sculpture features the likeness of actor Jon Bernthal, as well as detailed sculpting and paint applications, and comes packaged in a full-color window box. Sculpted by Rocco Tartamella!


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    Feedback degli utenti
    •  22.02.2025 

      tutto ok

    •  22.02.2025 

      Parfait bien reçu!!!

    •  22.02.2025 

      Tutto ok

    •  21.02.2025 


    •  21.02.2025 

      Everything went smoothly. I can recommend this eBay seller!

    •  21.02.2025 

      Everything went smoothly. I can recommend this eBay seller!

    •  21.02.2025 

      Tutto perfetto

    •  21.02.2025 

      Guter Preis, sehr schnelle Lieferung von Italien nach Deutschland, sehr gute OVP Ware, reibungsloser Ablauf - alles Top. Good Price, very fast Shipping from Italy to Germany, very good Quality of the Product, smooth Process - all good.

    •  21.02.2025 

      Tutto perfetto A+++

    •  21.02.2025 

      Puntuale come da richiesta e integro in tutte le sue parti .venditore consigliato!

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