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JAWS - 50th Anniversary - Jaw 12" Head to Tail Action Figure

JAWS - 50th Anniversary - Jaw 12" Head to Tail Action FigureJAWS - 50th Anniversary - Jaw 12" Head to Tail Action FigureJAWS - 50th Anniversary - Jaw 12" Head to Tail Action FigureJAWS - 50th Anniversary - Jaw 12" Head to Tail Action FigureJAWS - 50th Anniversary - Jaw 12" Head to Tail Action FigureJAWS - 50th Anniversary - Jaw 12" Head to Tail Action FigureJAWS - 50th Anniversary - Jaw 12" Head to Tail Action FigureJAWS - 50th Anniversary - Jaw 12" Head to Tail Action FigureJAWS - 50th Anniversary - Jaw 12" Head to Tail Action FigureJAWS - 50th Anniversary - Jaw 12" Head to Tail Action FigureJAWS - 50th Anniversary - Jaw 12" Head to Tail Action FigureJAWS - 50th Anniversary - Jaw 12" Head to Tail Action Figure

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93,90 Iva inclusa (22%)

Cod. art.: NECA03338-01
Condizioni: Nuovo
Marca: Neca
Tipologia: Action Figure
EAN/UPC: 634482033388
Disponibilità: prossimo arrivo
The Game of Jaws returns! Celebrate the 50th anniversary of Jaws with a modern update to the classic 1975 game. Featuring state-of-the-art, detailed sculpting and paint applications, the infamous shark spans 15 inches in length and looks just like its movie counterpart.

Get all the items out of the shark's belly before the jaws snap down on the spear! Be sure to have a steady hand and not get too close to those deadly teeth! Includes over 15 different accessories to fish out of the beast's belly, including an anchor, a boot, fish bones, a skull, a tire, a lantern, glove, and more. Fun for the whole family to enjoy! Some assembly required.


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    Feedback degli utenti
    •  12.03.2025 

      Soddisfatto, oggetto nuovo e conforme alla descrizione! Venditore consigliato! Top??

    •  12.03.2025 

      Everything went perfectly! Item absolutely perfect! Super fast shipping and secure packaging! Highly recommended! Danke aus Deutschland!!

    •  11.03.2025 

      ottimo negozio , di sicuro in futuro sarà una esperienza da ripetere .Gli do un bel 10 +

    •  11.03.2025 

      Oggetto conforme alla descrizione,arrivato velocemente e accuratamente impacchettato,ottimo venditore ,grazie

    •  11.03.2025 


    •  11.03.2025 

      ????? TOP SELLER ????? Grazie ancora e alla prossima ??

    •  11.03.2025 

      The product is perfect and the delivery was quick. I really recommend this seller!

    •  11.03.2025 


    •  11.03.2025 


    •  10.03.2025 

      Great price, excellent packaging, smooth FedEx delivery w/ tracking... new product as described. Very happy to gift this figurine to my nephew for his birthday. :) Saved seller!

    Elenco completo »

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