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CITY HUNTER - Ryo Saeba & Kaori Makimura 35th Anniversary 1/6 Statue

CITY HUNTER - Ryo Saeba & Kaori Makimura 35th Anniversary 1/6 StatueCITY HUNTER - Ryo Saeba & Kaori Makimura 35th Anniversary 1/6 StatueCITY HUNTER - Ryo Saeba & Kaori Makimura 35th Anniversary 1/6 StatueCITY HUNTER - Ryo Saeba & Kaori Makimura 35th Anniversary 1/6 StatueCITY HUNTER - Ryo Saeba & Kaori Makimura 35th Anniversary 1/6 StatueCITY HUNTER - Ryo Saeba & Kaori Makimura 35th Anniversary 1/6 StatueCITY HUNTER - Ryo Saeba & Kaori Makimura 35th Anniversary 1/6 StatueCITY HUNTER - Ryo Saeba & Kaori Makimura 35th Anniversary 1/6 StatueCITY HUNTER - Ryo Saeba & Kaori Makimura 35th Anniversary 1/6 StatueCITY HUNTER - Ryo Saeba & Kaori Makimura 35th Anniversary 1/6 StatueCITY HUNTER - Ryo Saeba & Kaori Makimura 35th Anniversary 1/6 Statue

Feedback degli utenti


999,90 Iva inclusa (22%)

Cod. art.: ONCCTH
Condizioni: Nuovo
Marca: Oniri Creations
Tipologia: Statue - Mixed Media
Scala: 1/6
Disponibilità: disponibile disponibile per la spedizione immediata
Teaming up with his loyal partner Kaori Makimura, Ryo Saeba is a Shinjuku-based hitman. Should you like to hire him for his services and unique skills, just write XYZ on the message board at the train station.

Both characters are here depicted with the iconic Mini Cooper, following what looks like a very explosive and fun gunfight. It was very important to us to incorporate as many éléments as we could that truly capture the essence of the manga. Guns of course, the legendary 100 ton hammer, the bird from the logo sculpted on the sewer manhole, XYZ engraved on the street lamp, and a touch of sex of course with a poster from the local peep show !

Limited to only 999 copies, each statue comes with a light up system, 2 alternative heads and its certificate of authenticity.


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    Feedback degli utenti
    •  03.02.2025 

      Bellissimo anime della mia infanzia!

    •  03.02.2025 

      Exactly as advertised

    •  03.02.2025 

      Super Schneller Versand??????? Perfekt Verpackt echt Top ?????? gerne wieder ?????? alles Tip Top

    •  02.02.2025 

      Velocissimo, tutto come da inserzione. Grazie!

    •  02.02.2025 

      Perfect quality. Amazing condition, cost less than the other people selling and it's the cutest thing in the world. Even came in 2 days earlier than expected.

    •  02.02.2025 

      Vendeur au top. Article conforme et livraison rapide. Rien à dire.

    •  01.02.2025 


    •  01.02.2025 

      Arrived early and in great condition.

    •  01.02.2025 

      Venditore top? Direi proprio di si! In nemmeno 24 ore arrivato a casa. Comunicazione e gestione davvero ottima. Consiglio vivamente

    •  01.02.2025 

      Bellissima action figure di paulie consigliatissima,consegna velocissima e ottimo imballaggio,venditore top top??????????

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