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MACROSS - ROBOTECH - VF-1J Officer's Veritech Guardian Mode Polystone Statue

MACROSS - ROBOTECH - VF-1J Officer's Veritech Guardian Mode Polystone StatueMACROSS - ROBOTECH - VF-1J Officer's Veritech Guardian Mode Polystone StatueMACROSS - ROBOTECH - VF-1J Officer's Veritech Guardian Mode Polystone StatueMACROSS - ROBOTECH - VF-1J Officer's Veritech Guardian Mode Polystone StatueMACROSS - ROBOTECH - VF-1J Officer's Veritech Guardian Mode Polystone StatueMACROSS - ROBOTECH - VF-1J Officer's Veritech Guardian Mode Polystone StatueMACROSS - ROBOTECH - VF-1J Officer's Veritech Guardian Mode Polystone StatueMACROSS - ROBOTECH - VF-1J Officer's Veritech Guardian Mode Polystone StatueMACROSS - ROBOTECH - VF-1J Officer's Veritech Guardian Mode Polystone StatueMACROSS - ROBOTECH - VF-1J Officer's Veritech Guardian Mode Polystone StatueMACROSS - ROBOTECH - VF-1J Officer's Veritech Guardian Mode Polystone StatueMACROSS - ROBOTECH - VF-1J Officer's Veritech Guardian Mode Polystone StatueMACROSS - ROBOTECH - VF-1J Officer's Veritech Guardian Mode Polystone StatueMACROSS - ROBOTECH - VF-1J Officer's Veritech Guardian Mode Polystone StatueMACROSS - ROBOTECH - VF-1J Officer's Veritech Guardian Mode Polystone StatueMACROSS - ROBOTECH - VF-1J Officer's Veritech Guardian Mode Polystone StatueMACROSS - ROBOTECH - VF-1J Officer's Veritech Guardian Mode Polystone StatueMACROSS - ROBOTECH - VF-1J Officer's Veritech Guardian Mode Polystone StatueMACROSS - ROBOTECH - VF-1J Officer's Veritech Guardian Mode Polystone StatueMACROSS - ROBOTECH - VF-1J Officer's Veritech Guardian Mode Polystone Statue

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2.799,90 Iva inclusa (22%)

Cod. art.: P1SPMRT-01
Condizioni: Nuovo
Marca: Prime 1 Studio
Tipologia: Statue - Polystone
Disponibilità: disponibile disponibile per la spedizione immediata
Prime 1 Studio and Harmony Gold are proud to present PMRT-01: VF-1J Officer's Veritech Guardian Mode from Robotech Saga. The Veritech VF-1 is Earth's first transformable trans-atmospheric fighter. Powered by fusion engines, the VF-1 is fully space-capable, and is carried in great numbers on the SDF-1 as well as the Armor series of carriers. The VF-1 supports 3 modes of operation: fighter mode for aerospace superiority missions, guardian mode for close air support missions, and battloid mode for ground combat missions. VF-1J Model can be identified by its unique head and piloted by leaders of 3-man groups or full Squadrons. It stands about 33 inches tall and can be equipped with or without a FAST Pack space booster and weaponry system. This system vastly improves the speed and survivability and giving it access to extra ammunition. This is the must have piece for all Robotech fans.

- Size approximately 83 x 81 x 77 cm

Limited to just 1000 pieces worldwide.


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    Feedback degli utenti
    •  25.06.2024 

      la colpa non e del venditore ma a quanto pare le spedizioni con poste italiane non mi vengono consegnate

    •  25.06.2024 

      Venditore serio e affidabile. Altamente consigliato.

    •  25.06.2024 

      Ottimo venditore!

    •  25.06.2024 

      Ottimo venditore!

    •  25.06.2024 

      Very perfect

    •  25.06.2024 


    •  24.06.2024 

      Altro ottimo prodotto della Infinite Statue! Meno male che ci sono loro a darci le figure delle icone italiane... tutto perfetto come sempre +++

    •  24.06.2024 

      Tutto perfetto grazie

    •  24.06.2024 

      Venditore professionale, spedizione rapida e prodotto perfetto. Consigliato

    •  24.06.2024 

      Arrivato presto e perfetto.

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