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SUPER ROBOT WARS - Gunleon High Grade Model Kit HG

SUPER ROBOT WARS - Gunleon High Grade Model Kit HGSUPER ROBOT WARS - Gunleon High Grade Model Kit HGSUPER ROBOT WARS - Gunleon High Grade Model Kit HGSUPER ROBOT WARS - Gunleon High Grade Model Kit HGSUPER ROBOT WARS - Gunleon High Grade Model Kit HGSUPER ROBOT WARS - Gunleon High Grade Model Kit HGSUPER ROBOT WARS - Gunleon High Grade Model Kit HGSUPER ROBOT WARS - Gunleon High Grade Model Kit HGSUPER ROBOT WARS - Gunleon High Grade Model Kit HG

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69,90 Iva inclusa (22%)

Cod. art.: BANH674159
Condizioni: Nuovo
Marca: Bandai
Tipologia: Model Kit - High Grade
EAN/UPC: 4573102674159
Disponibilità: disponibile disponibile per la spedizione immediata

This is a posable, high-grade or better injection-plastic kit of a science-fiction/anime item.

The long-awaited Gunleon from the "Super Robot Wars OG" series is now a member of Bandai's "HG (High Grade)" model-kit lineup! The Magna mode can be recreated by transforming and replacing parts; a wide variety of weapons are provided, including the Riot Jarenti, which is approximately 23cm long when assembled -- longer than the full length of the Gunleon itself! Parts of the Riot Jarenti can be deployed to transform into Magna mode. The Gigue Gun can be moved to the variable boom on the back, and the Decker Spanner can be stored in the leg. A jewel sticker is used on the red part of the waist, and plastic stickers are used on the black-orange part on the side of the Chain Decutter. An Action Base 7 is included to expand the range of poses, too! Order it for your own collection today!


  • Decker Spanner (x2)
  • Riot Jarenti
  • Gigue Gun (x2)
  • Chain Decutter deployed parts (x1 set)
  • Selectable head parts (x1 set)
  • Magna mode parts (x1 set)
  • Hand parts (x1 set)
  • Action Base 7
  • Plastic sticker
  • Jewel sticker
  • Stickers


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    Feedback degli utenti
    •  13.03.2025 

      Objet conforme à la description, bien emballé et rapidement envoyé. Merci+++

    •  13.03.2025 

      Sempre al top!

    •  13.03.2025 

      It came a lot earlier than expected which i'm super happy with! it was also came really well packaged and the box itself is in great condition :)

    •  13.03.2025 

      Ottimo stato di conservazione per un manga non vecchissimo, però ormai introvabile presso canali standard. Spedizione costosa ma arrivata in un giorno

    •  13.03.2025 


    •  13.03.2025 

      Fantastic service and great choice of carrier.

    •  12.03.2025 

      Vielen lieben Dank nochmal. Hat alles super geklappt. Absolut empfehlenswert??. Gerne demnächst mal wieder ??

    •  12.03.2025 

      Perfetto come sempre !!!!

    •  12.03.2025 

      Perfetto come sempre !!!!

    •  12.03.2025 

      Perfetto come sempre !!!!

    Elenco completo »

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