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STREET FIGHTER - Juri Pop Up Parade Pvc Figure

STREET FIGHTER - Juri Pop Up Parade Pvc FigureSTREET FIGHTER - Juri Pop Up Parade Pvc FigureSTREET FIGHTER - Juri Pop Up Parade Pvc FigureSTREET FIGHTER - Juri Pop Up Parade Pvc FigureSTREET FIGHTER - Juri Pop Up Parade Pvc FigureSTREET FIGHTER - Juri Pop Up Parade Pvc FigureSTREET FIGHTER - Juri Pop Up Parade Pvc FigureSTREET FIGHTER - Juri Pop Up Parade Pvc FigureSTREET FIGHTER - Juri Pop Up Parade Pvc Figure

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59,90 Iva inclusa (22%)

Cod. art.: MAFC04376
Condizioni: Nuovo
Marca: Max Factory
Tipologia: Static Figure - Pvc
EAN/UPC: 4545784043769
Disponibilità: disponibile disponibile per la spedizione immediata
Juri from "STREET FIGHTER 6" is joining the POP UP PARADE lineup!

POP UP PARADE is a series of figures that are easy to collect with affordable prices and speedy releases! Each figure typically stands around 17-18cm in height and the series features a vast selection of characters from popular anime and game series, with many more to be added soon! From the fighting game "STREET FIGHTER 6" comes a POP UP PARADE of Juri, the thrill-seeker who enjoys destroying her opponents! The figure features the fearless Juri challenging her foe to a battle. Be sure to add her to your collection!

Size: 17 cm


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    Feedback degli utenti
    •  02.01.2025 

      Sehr schneller und kostenloser Versand aus Italien und die Figur ist super.

    •  02.01.2025 

      Fast delivery

    •  02.01.2025 

      Fast shipping and packed well, everything was perfect. Thank you

    •  02.01.2025 

      Tempi di consegna precisi e prodotto in ottime condizioni. Soddisfatto

    •  02.01.2025 

      Oggetto gradito ...venditore positivo arrivato nei tempi come previsto ??

    •  02.01.2025 

      Très bel objet. Livraison en temps et en heure. Vendeur parfait

    •  01.01.2025 

      Ottimo venditore

    •  01.01.2025 

      Rapide, efficace, bien emballé! Super vendeur! Tout était parfait! Je recommanderai sans aucune crainte chez eux.

    •  01.01.2025 


    •  31.12.2024 

      Die Figur ist wie beschrieben. Der Versand ging schnell und ohne Probleme von Italien nach Deutschland. Der Artikel wurde gut Verpackt geliefert. Ich würde wieder bei dem Verkäufer bestellen.

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