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YAMATO STAR BLAZERS REBEL 3199 - 1/1000 Earth Defense Hyuga Class Combat Cruiser DCV-01 Hyuga Model Kit

YAMATO STAR BLAZERS REBEL 3199 - 1/1000 Earth Defense Hyuga Class Combat Cruiser DCV-01 Hyuga Model KitYAMATO STAR BLAZERS REBEL 3199 - 1/1000 Earth Defense Hyuga Class Combat Cruiser DCV-01 Hyuga Model KitYAMATO STAR BLAZERS REBEL 3199 - 1/1000 Earth Defense Hyuga Class Combat Cruiser DCV-01 Hyuga Model KitYAMATO STAR BLAZERS REBEL 3199 - 1/1000 Earth Defense Hyuga Class Combat Cruiser DCV-01 Hyuga Model Kit

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69,90 Iva inclusa (22%)

Cod. art.: BANH686954
Condizioni: Nuovo
Marca: Bandai
Scala: 1/1000
EAN/UPC: 4573102686954
Disponibilità: prossimo arrivo

This is an injection-plastic kit of a science-fiction/anime item.

The Hyuga, a Hyuga-class combat carrier from "Yamato Forever REBEL 3199," is now available as a 1/100-scale model kit from Bandai!

  • Details that mimic the storage cylinder are included under the flight deck. You can place the aircraft in any position you like.
  • In addition to the Cosmo Tiger II, a newly sculpted Cosmo Python and Cosmo Seagull are also included.
  • LED units can be used to illuminate the model (not included, sold separately).
  • It can be mounted to the Action Base 8 Clear Color.
  • A display stand is included.

Order it for your own collection today!


  • Display base
  • Cosmo Python (x6)
  • Cosmo Seagull (x2)
  • Cosmo Tiger II (x4)
  • Waterslide decals
  • Stickers


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    Feedback degli utenti
    •  12.03.2025 

      Soddisfatto, oggetto nuovo e conforme alla descrizione! Venditore consigliato! Top??

    •  12.03.2025 

      Everything went perfectly! Item absolutely perfect! Super fast shipping and secure packaging! Highly recommended! Danke aus Deutschland!!

    •  11.03.2025 

      ottimo negozio , di sicuro in futuro sarà una esperienza da ripetere .Gli do un bel 10 +

    •  11.03.2025 

      Oggetto conforme alla descrizione,arrivato velocemente e accuratamente impacchettato,ottimo venditore ,grazie

    •  11.03.2025 


    •  11.03.2025 

      ????? TOP SELLER ????? Grazie ancora e alla prossima ??

    •  11.03.2025 

      The product is perfect and the delivery was quick. I really recommend this seller!

    •  11.03.2025 


    •  11.03.2025 


    •  10.03.2025 

      Great price, excellent packaging, smooth FedEx delivery w/ tracking... new product as described. Very happy to gift this figurine to my nephew for his birthday. :) Saved seller!

    Elenco completo »

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