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STAR WARS - Luke and Leia 1/10 Deluxe Art Scale Statue

STAR WARS - Luke and Leia 1/10 Deluxe Art Scale StatueSTAR WARS - Luke and Leia 1/10 Deluxe Art Scale StatueSTAR WARS - Luke and Leia 1/10 Deluxe Art Scale StatueSTAR WARS - Luke and Leia 1/10 Deluxe Art Scale StatueSTAR WARS - Luke and Leia 1/10 Deluxe Art Scale StatueSTAR WARS - Luke and Leia 1/10 Deluxe Art Scale StatueSTAR WARS - Luke and Leia 1/10 Deluxe Art Scale StatueSTAR WARS - Luke and Leia 1/10 Deluxe Art Scale StatueSTAR WARS - Luke and Leia 1/10 Deluxe Art Scale StatueSTAR WARS - Luke and Leia 1/10 Deluxe Art Scale StatueSTAR WARS - Luke and Leia 1/10 Deluxe Art Scale StatueSTAR WARS - Luke and Leia 1/10 Deluxe Art Scale StatueSTAR WARS - Luke and Leia 1/10 Deluxe Art Scale StatueSTAR WARS - Luke and Leia 1/10 Deluxe Art Scale Statue

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743,90 Iva inclusa (22%)

Cod. art.: IS95701
Condizioni: Nuovo
Marca: Iron Studios
Tipologia: Statue - Polystone
Scala: 1/10
EAN/UPC: 618231957019
Disponibilità: prossimo arrivo
Who are Luke and Leia? Luke Skywalker (Mark Hamill) is the heroic protagonist in the original trilogy of George Lucas' Star Wars franchise. Raised on the planet Tatooine by his paternal aunt and uncle, Luke joins the old Jedi master Obi-Wan Kenobi on a quest to rescue Princess Leia Organa, becoming his apprentice after the Imperial forces kill his family. Luke joins the Rebel Alliance in the fight against the Empire and later discovers that Leia is his twin sister, separated from him as an infant, and that the Sith Lord Darth Vader is actually his father, Anakin Skywalker, who had fallen to the Dark Side of the Force. Princess Leia Organa (Carrie Fisher) is the daughter of Anakin Skywalker and Padmé Amidala, and Luke Skywalker's twin sister. When Padmé died after giving birth to the twins Luke and Leia, and Anakin succumbed to the Dark Side of the Force, becoming the Sith Lord Darth Vader, Leia was secretly adopted by Bail Organa, ruler of the planet Alderaan, to protect her from Vader and his Sith master, Emperor Palpatine. From a young age, Leia joined the Rebel Alliance in the fight against the Empire. Exploring the Luke and Leia Movie Poster statue: Art director, graphic designer, and illustrator Tom Jung is known as the designer for the Style A poster, announcing the release of Star Wars in U.S. movie theaters in 1977. Jung was given a brief of "good versus evil" and provided with a wealth of photos, which ultimately resulted in this iconic work, portraying a stylized Luke Skywalker in a heroic pose, brandishing a glowing Lightsaber above his head, alongside Princess Leia standing below him holding a blaster pistol in her right hand and wearing a flowing white cape behind her. With the two central figures on a rocky base featuring the Star Wars logo at the front, Iron Studios proudly presents the statue, "Luke and Leia Movie Poster - Star Wars - Deluxe Art Scale 1/10," capturing in 3D this iconic image from a galaxy far, far away, which continues to move fans around the world! Jung's work was reimagined and reproduced by the Brothers Hildebrandt for the Star Wars release in the UK as the Style B poster, followed by the Style C poster designed by Tom Chantrell. Figure details: The statue is produced with the utmost attention and care, based on official references, which ensures an impressive display of the figure in any environment. Special features: The statue Luke and Leia Movie Poster - Star Wars - Deluxe Art Scale 1/10 will be produced in limited edition. The diorama base presents rich details inspired by the original references. Materials and finishing of the piece: Just like all the other statues manufactured by Iron Studios, the statue Luke and Leia Movie Poster - Star Wars - Deluxe Art Scale 1/10 is made with high-quality materials such as Polystone and may contain parts in resin, PVC, metal, and fabric. For the finishing, the hand-painted statue ensures a unique and exclusive artistic touch to satisfy any collector. Now available for Pre-order, revealed at D23 Brazil, a must-have for Star Wars fans and Force-attuned collectors! Check out the other upcoming release "Darth Vader - Star Wars - Minico," a long-awaited statue by fans, marking the first Star Wars statue in the MiniCo line.


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    •  22.02.2025 

      tutto ok

    •  22.02.2025 

      Parfait bien reçu!!!

    •  22.02.2025 

      Tutto ok

    •  21.02.2025 


    •  21.02.2025 

      Everything went smoothly. I can recommend this eBay seller!

    •  21.02.2025 

      Everything went smoothly. I can recommend this eBay seller!

    •  21.02.2025 

      Tutto perfetto

    •  21.02.2025 

      Guter Preis, sehr schnelle Lieferung von Italien nach Deutschland, sehr gute OVP Ware, reibungsloser Ablauf - alles Top. Good Price, very fast Shipping from Italy to Germany, very good Quality of the Product, smooth Process - all good.

    •  21.02.2025 

      Tutto perfetto A+++

    •  21.02.2025 

      Puntuale come da richiesta e integro in tutte le sue parti .venditore consigliato!

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