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STAR WARS - C-3PO 1/6 Action Figure 12"

STAR WARS - C-3PO 1/6 Action Figure 12"STAR WARS - C-3PO 1/6 Action Figure 12"STAR WARS - C-3PO 1/6 Action Figure 12"STAR WARS - C-3PO 1/6 Action Figure 12"STAR WARS - C-3PO 1/6 Action Figure 12"STAR WARS - C-3PO 1/6 Action Figure 12"STAR WARS - C-3PO 1/6 Action Figure 12"STAR WARS - C-3PO 1/6 Action Figure 12"STAR WARS - C-3PO 1/6 Action Figure 12"

Feedback degli utenti


389,90 Iva inclusa (22%)

Cod. art.: SS2171
Condizioni: Nuovo
Marca: Sideshow
Tipologia: Action Figure - 12"
Scala: 1/6
EAN/UPC: 747720214606
Disponibilità: disponibile disponibile per la spedizione immediata

I am C-3PO, human-cyborg relations.

A long time ago, in a galaxy far, far away, two unforgettable droids captured the imagination of moviegoers around the world... Now, joining his feisty astromech companion R2-D2 Sideshow Collectibles is proud to present the C-3PO Sixth Scale Figure from Star Wars: Episode IV A New Hope.

Weathered from time spent stranded on the desert planet of Tatooine, C-3PO is ready for adventure with the Rebel Alliance alongside Luke, Han, and Obi-Wan Kenobi. Built with screen-accurate mechanical detailing and light up features, Threepios advanced articulation and poseability allow collectors to perfectly capture the nuances of his quirky personality. Equipped with a comlink to receive instructions on his next mission, take command of the protocol droid with an attachable magnetic restraining bolt. An essential addition to any Star Wars collection, this is the droid youve been looking for.

This item is new with the original color box and the original brown box.
The brown box is in good conditions but is not sealed.


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    Feedback degli utenti
    •  05.02.2025 

      Thank you

    •  05.02.2025 

      Vraiment rapide livré en bonne condition et informé très bien la clientèle

    •  05.02.2025 

      Faster shipment Highly recommend AAAAAAAAA+++++++

    •  05.02.2025 

      Articolo come da descrizione. Imballaggio eccellente, a prova di urto, davvero molto accurato. Spedizione velocissima. Grazie mille. Ho aggiunto il venditore tra i preferiti per acquisti futuri

    •  04.02.2025 

      Transazione perfetta, ottimo imballaggio, spedizione immediata, arrivato prima del previsto. L'oggetto è arrivato in condizioni eccellenti. Salvato tra i preferiti, sicuramente consigliato. AAAA+++++! Perfect transaction, great packaging, prompt shipping, arrived earlier than expected. Item arrived in excellent condition. Saved to favorites, definitely recommended. AAAA+++++!

    •  04.02.2025 

      So glad I could obtain this figurine in mint-condition. Delivery was super fast!

    •  04.02.2025 

      Arrivato in tempi rapidi ottimamente imballato e nuovo come da descrizione

    •  04.02.2025 

      Envío muy rápido y bien protegido..muchas gracias...

    •  04.02.2025 

      Spedizione veloce articolo impeccabile

    •  03.02.2025 

      Bellissimo anime della mia infanzia!

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