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KIRBY - Robobot Armor & Kirby Nendoroid Action Figure # 544

KIRBY - Robobot Armor & Kirby Nendoroid Action Figure # 544KIRBY - Robobot Armor & Kirby Nendoroid Action Figure # 544KIRBY - Robobot Armor & Kirby Nendoroid Action Figure # 544KIRBY - Robobot Armor & Kirby Nendoroid Action Figure # 544KIRBY - Robobot Armor & Kirby Nendoroid Action Figure # 544KIRBY - Robobot Armor & Kirby Nendoroid Action Figure # 544KIRBY - Robobot Armor & Kirby Nendoroid Action Figure # 544KIRBY - Robobot Armor & Kirby Nendoroid Action Figure # 544KIRBY - Robobot Armor & Kirby Nendoroid Action Figure # 544

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99,90 Iva inclusa (22%)

Cod. art.: GSC20836
Condizioni: Nuovo
Marca: Good Smile Company
Tipologia: Nendoroid
EAN/UPC: 4580590208360
Disponibilità: prossimo arrivo
From "Kirby: Planet Robobot" comes a Nendoroid sized version of the Robobot Armor that Kirby makes use of in the game - the armor stands approximately 15cm in height! Nendoroid Kirby can be placed inside the Robobot Armor just like he does in the game and the armor features articulation at all of its joints allowing for various dynamic action poses!

In addition, a special Planet Robobot version of Nendoroid Kirby that features an all new face plate to recreate the box art of the series is included with the armor, and a helmet part for Nendoroid Kirby is also included! Add this Robobot Armor to your collection and bring out the atmosphere of Dream Land more than ever before!


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    Feedback degli utenti
    •  14.03.2025 

      Tutto bene

    •  14.03.2025 

      Oggetto perfetto, spedizione velocissima. Venditore consigliato, grazie. :)

    •  13.03.2025 

      Objet conforme à la description, bien emballé et rapidement envoyé. Merci+++

    •  13.03.2025 

      Sempre al top!

    •  13.03.2025 

      It came a lot earlier than expected which i'm super happy with! it was also came really well packaged and the box itself is in great condition :)

    •  13.03.2025 

      Ottimo stato di conservazione per un manga non vecchissimo, però ormai introvabile presso canali standard. Spedizione costosa ma arrivata in un giorno

    •  13.03.2025 


    •  13.03.2025 

      Fantastic service and great choice of carrier.

    •  12.03.2025 

      Vielen lieben Dank nochmal. Hat alles super geklappt. Absolut empfehlenswert??. Gerne demnächst mal wieder ??

    •  12.03.2025 

      Perfetto come sempre !!!!

    Elenco completo »

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