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MAZINGER - Revoltech Amazing Yamaguchi - Mazinger Z Action Figure

MAZINGER - Revoltech Amazing Yamaguchi - Mazinger Z Action FigureMAZINGER - Revoltech Amazing Yamaguchi - Mazinger Z Action FigureMAZINGER - Revoltech Amazing Yamaguchi - Mazinger Z Action FigureMAZINGER - Revoltech Amazing Yamaguchi - Mazinger Z Action FigureMAZINGER - Revoltech Amazing Yamaguchi - Mazinger Z Action FigureMAZINGER - Revoltech Amazing Yamaguchi - Mazinger Z Action FigureMAZINGER - Revoltech Amazing Yamaguchi - Mazinger Z Action FigureMAZINGER - Revoltech Amazing Yamaguchi - Mazinger Z Action FigureMAZINGER - Revoltech Amazing Yamaguchi - Mazinger Z Action Figure

Feedback degli utenti


138,90 Iva inclusa (22%)

Cod. art.: KYD22077
Condizioni: Nuovo
Marca: Kaiyodo
Tipologia: Revoltech
EAN/UPC: 4537807220776
Disponibilità: prossimo arrivo
Created by Go Nagai in 1972, Mazinger Z is still a milestone in Japanese animation, the progenitor of the giant robot genre.
Sculpted by Katsuhisa Yamaguchi, the figure is excellently articulated, providing incredible and striking poses.
This figure also offers different accessories:
- a movable beam panel from the chest, which allows the arms to be posed
- The arms can be combined with effects to produce the rocket fist effect.
- Jet Scrander, Iron Cutter and Drill Missile are included
- clear plastic parts are included to recreate the flaming effects for Scrander and fists


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    Feedback degli utenti
    •  03.01.2025 


    •  03.01.2025 

      I am happy the figurine arrived very quickly and especially well protected on the cardboard it was written fragile that is really nice from the seller then the condition of the figurine is perfect it is still in its original box sealed and the figurine in its original plastic really I am happy with my purchase thank you

    •  03.01.2025 

      Spedizione giunta in tempo in ottime condizioni. Per fortuna ne esisteva ancora una copia singola nel mondo!

    •  03.01.2025 

      Come da immagine,ottimo

    •  03.01.2025 

      Soddisfatto del mio acquisto! Consigliato!

    •  02.01.2025 

      Sehr schneller und kostenloser Versand aus Italien und die Figur ist super.

    •  02.01.2025 

      Fast delivery

    •  02.01.2025 

      Fast shipping and packed well, everything was perfect. Thank you

    •  02.01.2025 

      Tempi di consegna precisi e prodotto in ottime condizioni. Soddisfatto

    •  02.01.2025 

      Oggetto gradito ...venditore positivo arrivato nei tempi come previsto ??

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