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LORD OF THE RINGS - Shelob Mini Polystone Statue

LORD OF THE RINGS - Shelob Mini Polystone StatueLORD OF THE RINGS - Shelob Mini Polystone StatueLORD OF THE RINGS - Shelob Mini Polystone StatueLORD OF THE RINGS - Shelob Mini Polystone StatueLORD OF THE RINGS - Shelob Mini Polystone StatueLORD OF THE RINGS - Shelob Mini Polystone StatueLORD OF THE RINGS - Shelob Mini Polystone StatueLORD OF THE RINGS - Shelob Mini Polystone StatueLORD OF THE RINGS - Shelob Mini Polystone StatueLORD OF THE RINGS - Shelob Mini Polystone StatueLORD OF THE RINGS - Shelob Mini Polystone Statue

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238,90 Iva inclusa (22%)

Cod. art.: WETA860104563
Condizioni: Nuovo
Marca: Weta
Tipologia: Statue - Polystone
EAN/UPC: 9420024745632
Disponibilità: prossimo arrivo
Poised to strike, her many-eyed visage glowing with a malevolent gleam, Shelob towered over a small, trembling form. The helpless hobbit stood dwarfed beneath her vast, bloated figure, unaware of the vile fate soon to befall upon him within the jagged rocky paths of the creature's domain. Another poor soul, caught within her venomous grasp; prey for her insatiable hunger.
"Relive the heart-pounding tension and thrilling adventure of The Lord of the Rings with the newest addition to our miniature statue collection. This exquisite piece will transport you back to the unforgettable moment when Frodo faced his darkest terror, capturing the essence of the film that captivated millions.
Our artists have poured their passion and expertise into every element, from the intricate textures and details of Shelob's unique figure, to the dread-filled and imposing nature of her gruesome visage. Crafted to the highest quality with hand-painted finishes, this collectible is an authentic treasure of Middle-earth."
- Made primarily from polystone;
- Legs made from polyurethane with a metal core;
- Approx 4.4 inches tall;
- Depicts Shelob as she hunts down Frodo within the craggy Paths of Cirith Ungol as seen in The Return of the King;
- Digitally sculpted by Weta Workshop 3D artist Jason Zhang, with references from the original film maquette and concept design sketches."

Product size: 11,5 cm x 11,3 cm x 11 cm


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    Feedback degli utenti
    •  17.09.2024 

      Prodotto perfetto ?? lo adoro ??

    •  16.09.2024 

      Venditore super!!!!

    •  16.09.2024 

      Venditore super!!! Consigliato!

    •  16.09.2024 

      Tutto perfetto!

    •  15.09.2024 

      Tutto perfetto!

    •  15.09.2024 

      Manga come nuovo, venditore disponibile e spedizione molto veloce e impacchettata bene. venditore consigliato

    •  15.09.2024 

      Manga come nuovo, venditore disponibile e spedizione molto veloce e impacchettata bene. venditore consigliato

    •  15.09.2024 

      Manga come nuovo, venditore disponibile e spedizione molto veloce e impacchettata bene. venditore consigliato

    •  15.09.2024 

      Condizioni perfette

    •  15.09.2024 

      Swift delivery and good packaging.

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