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HOKUTO NO KEN - Fist of the North Star - Digaction - Rei Action Figure

HOKUTO NO KEN - Fist of the North Star - Digaction - Rei Action FigureHOKUTO NO KEN - Fist of the North Star - Digaction - Rei Action FigureHOKUTO NO KEN - Fist of the North Star - Digaction - Rei Action FigureHOKUTO NO KEN - Fist of the North Star - Digaction - Rei Action FigureHOKUTO NO KEN - Fist of the North Star - Digaction - Rei Action FigureHOKUTO NO KEN - Fist of the North Star - Digaction - Rei Action FigureHOKUTO NO KEN - Fist of the North Star - Digaction - Rei Action FigureHOKUTO NO KEN - Fist of the North Star - Digaction - Rei Action FigureHOKUTO NO KEN - Fist of the North Star - Digaction - Rei Action FigureHOKUTO NO KEN - Fist of the North Star - Digaction - Rei Action FigureHOKUTO NO KEN - Fist of the North Star - Digaction - Rei Action FigureHOKUTO NO KEN - Fist of the North Star - Digaction - Rei Action FigureHOKUTO NO KEN - Fist of the North Star - Digaction - Rei Action FigureHOKUTO NO KEN - Fist of the North Star - Digaction - Rei Action FigureHOKUTO NO KEN - Fist of the North Star - Digaction - Rei Action FigureHOKUTO NO KEN - Fist of the North Star - Digaction - Rei Action FigureHOKUTO NO KEN - Fist of the North Star - Digaction - Rei Action FigureHOKUTO NO KEN - Fist of the North Star - Digaction - Rei Action FigureHOKUTO NO KEN - Fist of the North Star - Digaction - Rei Action Figure

Feedback degli utenti


69,90 Iva inclusa (22%)

Cod. art.: DGSM30035
Condizioni: Nuovo
Marca: DIG
Tipologia: Action Figure
EAN/UPC: 4595985300352
Disponibilità: non disponibile
From the immortal masterpiece "Fist of the North Star", "Rei" is now available as a posable figure [DIGACTION]!

The figure can reproduce "Nanto Suichoken", which is said to be the most splendid of the Nanto Rokusei Ken!

The figure has both an easy-to-collect size and a wide range of movement!


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    Tempi di spedizione
    Feedback degli utenti
    •  07.01.2025 


    •  07.01.2025 

      Perfetto !

    •  07.01.2025 

      Venditore Super Professionale e Eccellente in tutta la transazione, Consigiatissimo, grazie dì tutto!

    •  07.01.2025 

      Venditore Super Professionale e Eccellente in tutta la transazione, Consigiatissimo, grazie dì tutto!

    •  07.01.2025 

      Venditore Super Professionale e Eccellente in tutta la transazione, Consigiatissimo, grazie dì tutto!

    •  07.01.2025 

      Everything came perfect in very good condition as described. Very fast shipping and well packaged. I totally recommend this seller, thank you so much!!!

    •  07.01.2025 

      Everything came perfect in very good condition as described. Very fast shipping and well packaged. I totally recommend this seller, thank you so much!!!

    •  07.01.2025 

      Tutto perfetto....

    •  07.01.2025 


    •  07.01.2025 

      Tutto perfetto

    Elenco completo »

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