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HOKUTO NO KEN - Fist of the North Star - Digaction - Raoh & Kukuoh Pvc Action Figure

HOKUTO NO KEN - Fist of the North Star - Digaction - Raoh & Kukuoh Pvc Action FigureHOKUTO NO KEN - Fist of the North Star - Digaction - Raoh & Kukuoh Pvc Action FigureHOKUTO NO KEN - Fist of the North Star - Digaction - Raoh & Kukuoh Pvc Action FigureHOKUTO NO KEN - Fist of the North Star - Digaction - Raoh & Kukuoh Pvc Action FigureHOKUTO NO KEN - Fist of the North Star - Digaction - Raoh & Kukuoh Pvc Action FigureHOKUTO NO KEN - Fist of the North Star - Digaction - Raoh & Kukuoh Pvc Action FigureHOKUTO NO KEN - Fist of the North Star - Digaction - Raoh & Kukuoh Pvc Action FigureHOKUTO NO KEN - Fist of the North Star - Digaction - Raoh & Kukuoh Pvc Action FigureHOKUTO NO KEN - Fist of the North Star - Digaction - Raoh & Kukuoh Pvc Action FigureHOKUTO NO KEN - Fist of the North Star - Digaction - Raoh & Kukuoh Pvc Action FigureHOKUTO NO KEN - Fist of the North Star - Digaction - Raoh & Kukuoh Pvc Action FigureHOKUTO NO KEN - Fist of the North Star - Digaction - Raoh & Kukuoh Pvc Action Figure

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118,90 Iva inclusa (22%)

Cod. art.: DGSM30056
Condizioni: Nuovo
Marca: DIG
Tipologia: Action Figure
EAN/UPC: 4595985300567
Disponibilità: prossimo arrivo
From the timeless masterpiece "Fist of the North Star",
Raoh, the eldest of the four Hokuto brothers, who calls himself the "End of Century Champion Fist King" and is on a path to domination with fear in an end of the century ruled by violence,
and Raoh's beloved horse, Kokuoh, with a massive body large enough to crush a human to death with one step if anyone gets in his way, are released as a set of action figures from [DIGACTION]!!
These figures combine a size that makes them easy to collect with a wide range of motion!!
?Kokuoh is a pre-painted, non-movable figure.

[DIGACTION] is one of DIG's figure categories.
These figures are easy to collect and have a high range of motion.


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    Feedback degli utenti
    •  10.03.2025 

      Great price, excellent packaging, smooth FedEx delivery w/ tracking... new product as described. Very happy to gift this figurine to my nephew for his birthday. :) Saved seller!

    •  10.03.2025 

      ottimo prodotto

    •  10.03.2025 

      Ottimo servizio

    •  10.03.2025 

      article conforme. Bien emballé et expédié rapidement

    •  08.03.2025 

      Articolo bellissimo, venditore serio

    •  07.03.2025 

      Hi. Arrived very faster and in perfect condition like I would. Highly recommandated !

    •  07.03.2025 

      Great seller. I recommend him.

    •  07.03.2025 

      Item as described, fast delivery, good communication.

    •  07.03.2025 

      Very happy with my delivery, great quality

    •  07.03.2025 

      Oggetto arrivato un giorno prima del previsto, conforme alla descrizione in foto. Venditore molto comunicativo e professionale. Assolutamente consigliato.

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