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GUNDAM - 1/100 Musha Mk-2 Master Grade Model Kit MG

GUNDAM - 1/100 Musha Mk-2 Master Grade Model Kit MGGUNDAM - 1/100 Musha Mk-2 Master Grade Model Kit MGGUNDAM - 1/100 Musha Mk-2 Master Grade Model Kit MG

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84,90 Iva inclusa (22%)

Cod. art.: BAN963119
Condizioni: Nuovo
Marca: Bandai
Tipologia: Model Kit - Master Grade
Scala: 1/100
EAN/UPC: 4543112631190
Disponibilità: disponibile disponibile per la spedizione immediata

The MK-2 (or MKII) Musha Gundam has arrived! Bandai has once again raised the bar with this, the latest in the Master Grade line, using its newer 'undergate' technology. This engineering trick makes it possible to clip parts off the runner without leaving nub marks in obvious places. Bandai puts it to good use on the gold plated parts. Includes with the two runners of gold plated parts, are silver plated blades for the katana, and the cylinders in the ankles! Poly-caps are included to allow the second Musha Gundam to be positioned in a variety of ways. A length of mesh pipe is included for use during construction of various parts of the frame. The MK-2 comes with two Kotetsu Maru swords, mountable on the skirts, and its Senkou maru Naginata, and the Shoryu Maru gun which attach to the back of the MS. Two sets of marking stickers are also provided so you can mark it as a 'Plastic Model Version' or a 'Katoki Hajime Version' or both!


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    Feedback degli utenti
    •  29.01.2025 


    •  29.01.2025 

      Incredibly super fast shipping! Thank you!

    •  28.01.2025 

      Sehr gut, danke.

    •  28.01.2025 

      Prodotto di grande qualità!!! Fatto molto bene!!! Ma a mio avviso troppo piccolo!! X me leggermente troppo costoso x le dimensioni!.( parere personale )

    •  28.01.2025 

      Buone condizioni, arrivato prima dei tempi previsti

    •  28.01.2025 

      Tutto perfetto

    •  28.01.2025 

      Tutto perfetto

    •  28.01.2025 

      Spedizione veloce, artbook perfetto. Venditore consigliato!

    •  28.01.2025 

      Prodotto arrivato in tempi record e in condizioni perfette. Affidabilità e professionalità del venditore già testate con precedenti acquisti. Sempre un piacere.

    •  27.01.2025 

      Very fast delivery + professional packaging.

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