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GUNDAM 30MS / 30 MINUTES SISTERS - Rishetta Freesia Wear Model Kit # 14

GUNDAM 30MS / 30 MINUTES SISTERS - Rishetta Freesia Wear Model Kit # 14GUNDAM 30MS / 30 MINUTES SISTERS - Rishetta Freesia Wear Model Kit # 14GUNDAM 30MS / 30 MINUTES SISTERS - Rishetta Freesia Wear Model Kit # 14GUNDAM 30MS / 30 MINUTES SISTERS - Rishetta Freesia Wear Model Kit # 14GUNDAM 30MS / 30 MINUTES SISTERS - Rishetta Freesia Wear Model Kit # 14GUNDAM 30MS / 30 MINUTES SISTERS - Rishetta Freesia Wear Model Kit # 14GUNDAM 30MS / 30 MINUTES SISTERS - Rishetta Freesia Wear Model Kit # 14GUNDAM 30MS / 30 MINUTES SISTERS - Rishetta Freesia Wear Model Kit # 14GUNDAM 30MS / 30 MINUTES SISTERS - Rishetta Freesia Wear Model Kit # 14

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29,90 Iva inclusa (22%)

Cod. art.: BANH674333
Condizioni: Nuovo
Marca: Bandai
Tipologia: Model Kit - 30MS
EAN/UPC: 4573102674333
Disponibilità: disponibile disponibile per la spedizione immediata

This is an injection-plastic kit of a science-fiction/anime item.

Rishetta returns to Bandai's "30MS (30 Minutes Sisters)" model-kit lineup with a completely new design! The parts on the runners are arranged in a way that's optimal to ease of assembly and efficient work flow, allowing for smooth assembly. You can customize her into her armed mode by assembling the armor parts! Three tampo-printed facial expressions are included: normal, smiling and confused; a large claw unit is suspended from her backpack, and it can be transformed and attached to an arm. The head comes with a cat-ears headband and a tail part made with lead wire for flexibility. The abdomen has a mechanism to prevent the hip joint parts from coming off, so the structure is designed to prevent them from separating when moving the legs during posing. Additional "30MS" optional parts such as faces, hairstyles and body parts are sold separately, so you can customize her to your heart's content! The soles of her shoes have 3mm joints suitable for customization, too. Order her for your own collection today!


  • Face parts (tampo-printed) (x3)
  • Armor parts (x1 set)
  • Joint parts (x1 set)
  • Hand parts (x1 set)
  • Lead wire


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    Feedback degli utenti
    •  12.03.2025 

      Everything went perfectly! Item absolutely perfect! Super fast shipping and secure packaging! Highly recommended! Danke aus Deutschland!!

    •  11.03.2025 

      ottimo negozio , di sicuro in futuro sarà una esperienza da ripetere .Gli do un bel 10 +

    •  11.03.2025 

      Oggetto conforme alla descrizione,arrivato velocemente e accuratamente impacchettato,ottimo venditore ,grazie

    •  11.03.2025 


    •  11.03.2025 

      ????? TOP SELLER ????? Grazie ancora e alla prossima ??

    •  11.03.2025 

      The product is perfect and the delivery was quick. I really recommend this seller!

    •  11.03.2025 


    •  11.03.2025 


    •  10.03.2025 

      Great price, excellent packaging, smooth FedEx delivery w/ tracking... new product as described. Very happy to gift this figurine to my nephew for his birthday. :) Saved seller!

    •  10.03.2025 

      ottimo prodotto

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