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GUNDAM - 1/144 Bolinoak Sammahn Model Kit # 259

GUNDAM - 1/144 Bolinoak Sammahn Model Kit # 259GUNDAM - 1/144 Bolinoak Sammahn Model Kit # 259GUNDAM - 1/144 Bolinoak Sammahn Model Kit # 259GUNDAM - 1/144 Bolinoak Sammahn Model Kit # 259GUNDAM - 1/144 Bolinoak Sammahn Model Kit # 259GUNDAM - 1/144 Bolinoak Sammahn Model Kit # 259GUNDAM - 1/144 Bolinoak Sammahn Model Kit # 259GUNDAM - 1/144 Bolinoak Sammahn Model Kit # 259GUNDAM - 1/144 Bolinoak Sammahn Model Kit # 259GUNDAM - 1/144 Bolinoak Sammahn Model Kit # 259GUNDAM - 1/144 Bolinoak Sammahn Model Kit # 259

Feedback degli utenti


39,90 Iva inclusa (22%)

Cod. art.: BANH674319
Condizioni: Nuovo
Marca: Bandai
Tipologia: Model Kit - High Grade
Scala: 1/144
EAN/UPC: 4573102674319
Disponibilità: disponibile disponibile per la spedizione immediata

This is a posable, high-grade or better injection-plastic kit of an item from the Gundam universe.

The Bolinoak Sammahn from "Mobile Suit Zeta Gundam" is now available in Bandai's "HG (High Grade)" model-kit series with the latest gimmicks! The dedicated shield has a movable gimmick in the claw section, and also reproduces fine details such as the beam output section at the tip. The Beam Tomahawk and Beam Saber can be reproduced by attaching effect parts to the grip stored on the back of the shield. The shoulder armor is equipped with a deployment gimmick to recreate the firing of the Explosive Bullet Launcher. A head part with an illuminated radome is included; the characteristic shine of the radome is reproduced with a replacement type using reflection cuts and stickers. In addition to the ball-shaped movable head, a movable axis is provided at the base of the neck, allowing it a wide range of motion. The shoulders are also equipped with a pull-out mechanism to expand their range of motion, and the backpack, which is the key to high mobility, can be moved individually thanks to its multiple ball joints. Order yours today!


  • Head part (illuminated)
  • Effect parts (x1 set)
  • Hand parts (x1 set)
  • Stickers


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    Tempi di spedizione
    Feedback degli utenti
    •  11.03.2025 


    •  11.03.2025 


    •  10.03.2025 

      Great price, excellent packaging, smooth FedEx delivery w/ tracking... new product as described. Very happy to gift this figurine to my nephew for his birthday. :) Saved seller!

    •  10.03.2025 

      ottimo prodotto

    •  10.03.2025 

      Ottimo servizio

    •  10.03.2025 

      article conforme. Bien emballé et expédié rapidement

    •  08.03.2025 

      Articolo bellissimo, venditore serio

    •  07.03.2025 

      Hi. Arrived very faster and in perfect condition like I would. Highly recommandated !

    •  07.03.2025 

      Great seller. I recommend him.

    •  07.03.2025 

      Item as described, fast delivery, good communication.

    Elenco completo »

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