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GUNDAM 30MF / 30 MINUTES FANTASY - Rozen Archer Model Kit

GUNDAM 30MF / 30 MINUTES FANTASY - Rozen Archer Model KitGUNDAM 30MF / 30 MINUTES FANTASY - Rozen Archer Model KitGUNDAM 30MF / 30 MINUTES FANTASY - Rozen Archer Model KitGUNDAM 30MF / 30 MINUTES FANTASY - Rozen Archer Model KitGUNDAM 30MF / 30 MINUTES FANTASY - Rozen Archer Model KitGUNDAM 30MF / 30 MINUTES FANTASY - Rozen Archer Model KitGUNDAM 30MF / 30 MINUTES FANTASY - Rozen Archer Model KitGUNDAM 30MF / 30 MINUTES FANTASY - Rozen Archer Model Kit

Feedback degli utenti


26,90 Iva inclusa (22%)

Cod. art.: BANH683496
Condizioni: Nuovo
Marca: Bandai
Tipologia: Model Kit - 30MF
EAN/UPC: 4573102683496
Disponibilità: prossimo arrivo

This is an injection-plastic kit of a science-fiction/anime item.

The Rozen Archer is the newest member of Bandai's "30 Minutes Fantasy (30MF)" figure-kit series! This lineup allows you to create your own fantasy-based figures and characters! This starter set includes armor and weapon parts in addition to the base "silhouette" (elementary body). The "silhouette," which is the same as that of the Rozen Knight, is fully posable like a human body; movable axes are provided on the head and neck for natural flexibility. The new structure of the shoulder joint keeps the body line intact, even in bold poses. The movable parts of the chest, torso, and waist work together with the sliding mechanism at the base of the waist joint to create natural poses. Armor and weapon parts are included to combine with the "silhouette" to create the Rozen Archer! A new mechanism for attaching shoulder and waist armor via joints on the back allows for flexible movement; the bowstring is made of a special ultra-thin sticker with strong adhesive only on both ends, and the arrow shaft is made of metal to express texture. The attribute of the Element Core is Wind. Order him for your own collection today!


  • Longbow
  • Arrows (x1 set)
  • Quiver
  • Armor parts (x1 set)
  • Hand parts (x1 set)
  • Joint parts (x1 set)
  • Metal parts
  • Sticker


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    Tempi di spedizione
    Feedback degli utenti
    •  03.02.2025 

      Bellissimo anime della mia infanzia!

    •  03.02.2025 

      Exactly as advertised

    •  03.02.2025 

      Super Schneller Versand??????? Perfekt Verpackt echt Top ?????? gerne wieder ?????? alles Tip Top

    •  02.02.2025 

      Velocissimo, tutto come da inserzione. Grazie!

    •  02.02.2025 

      Perfect quality. Amazing condition, cost less than the other people selling and it's the cutest thing in the world. Even came in 2 days earlier than expected.

    •  02.02.2025 

      Vendeur au top. Article conforme et livraison rapide. Rien à dire.

    •  01.02.2025 


    •  01.02.2025 

      Arrived early and in great condition.

    •  01.02.2025 

      Venditore top? Direi proprio di si! In nemmeno 24 ore arrivato a casa. Comunicazione e gestione davvero ottima. Consiglio vivamente

    •  01.02.2025 

      Bellissima action figure di paulie consigliatissima,consegna velocissima e ottimo imballaggio,venditore top top??????????

    Elenco completo »

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