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GUNDAM - 1/144 GNA-101A GN Archer High Grade Model Kit HG # 29

GUNDAM - 1/144 GNA-101A GN Archer High Grade Model Kit HG # 29GUNDAM - 1/144 GNA-101A GN Archer High Grade Model Kit HG # 29

Feedback degli utenti


29,90 Iva inclusa (22%)

Cod. art.: BAN957477
Condizioni: Nuovo
Marca: Bandai
Tipologia: Model Kit - High Grade
Scala: 1/144
EAN/UPC: 4543112574770
Disponibilità: disponibile disponibile per la spedizione immediata

This is a posable, high-grade or better injection-plastic kit of an item from the Gundam universe.

Serving as a support unit for Arios Gundam, GN (pronounced "Gun") Archer is a variable Mobile Suit piloted by super soldier Soma Peries (Marie Parfacy)--and it's now offered as this cool plastic kit! The mecha comes molded in color and features simple snap-fit assembly, so it can be completed without cement or paint. A pair of GN Beam Rifles are included, and the mecha can switch between its Mobile Suit and Mobile Armor modes upon completion. It can be attached to the back of HG Arios Gundam (sold separately) in Mobile Armor mode, and parts are also included to attach GN Archer's boosters to the back of HG 00 Gundam (also sold separately).
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Feedback degli utenti
  •  31.03.2025 

    Bela Lugosi as "Dracula ". 1/6 Action figure 12" Deluxe Edition Infinite Statue. Arrived very quickly, safely and packaged well. Absolutely fantastic when assembled. Wonderful Coffin accessorie ,great quality and value for money. Wonderful addition to my collection. Many thanks. Highly recommend this seller A +++++

  •  30.03.2025 

    Fast postage and zero hassle. A reliable seller.

  •  30.03.2025 

    Tutto Perfetto.

  •  30.03.2025 


  •  29.03.2025 

    manga arrivato in perfette condizioni grazie alla scrupolosa protezione in cui era stato inserito per la spedizione, anche puntuale..consigliatissimo +++++++++

  •  29.03.2025 

    Perfetta per una collezione di astronavi

  •  28.03.2025 

    Everything was fast and the Item was in a great condition

  •  28.03.2025 


  •  28.03.2025 

    Prodotto Perfetto! Veramente Soddisfatto Dell'Acquisto!! Consigliatissimo!!!

  •  28.03.2025 

    Prodotto Perfetto! Veramente Soddisfatto Dell'Acquisto!! Consigliatissimo!!!

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