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RONIN WARRIORS SAMURAI TROOPERS - Ryo Kikoutei Rekka Action Figure

RONIN WARRIORS SAMURAI TROOPERS - Ryo Kikoutei Rekka Action FigureRONIN WARRIORS SAMURAI TROOPERS - Ryo Kikoutei Rekka Action FigureRONIN WARRIORS SAMURAI TROOPERS - Ryo Kikoutei Rekka Action FigureRONIN WARRIORS SAMURAI TROOPERS - Ryo Kikoutei Rekka Action FigureRONIN WARRIORS SAMURAI TROOPERS - Ryo Kikoutei Rekka Action FigureRONIN WARRIORS SAMURAI TROOPERS - Ryo Kikoutei Rekka Action FigureRONIN WARRIORS SAMURAI TROOPERS - Ryo Kikoutei Rekka Action FigureRONIN WARRIORS SAMURAI TROOPERS - Ryo Kikoutei Rekka Action FigureRONIN WARRIORS SAMURAI TROOPERS - Ryo Kikoutei Rekka Action FigureRONIN WARRIORS SAMURAI TROOPERS - Ryo Kikoutei Rekka Action FigureRONIN WARRIORS SAMURAI TROOPERS - Ryo Kikoutei Rekka Action FigureRONIN WARRIORS SAMURAI TROOPERS - Ryo Kikoutei Rekka Action FigureRONIN WARRIORS SAMURAI TROOPERS - Ryo Kikoutei Rekka Action FigureRONIN WARRIORS SAMURAI TROOPERS - Ryo Kikoutei Rekka Action FigureRONIN WARRIORS SAMURAI TROOPERS - Ryo Kikoutei Rekka Action FigureRONIN WARRIORS SAMURAI TROOPERS - Ryo Kikoutei Rekka Action Figure

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214,90 Iva inclusa (22%)

Cod. art.: SEN20220501
Condizioni: Nuovo
Marca: Sentinel
Tipologia: Action Figure
EAN/UPC: 4571335883584
Disponibilità: disponibile disponibile per la spedizione immediata
Kikoutei (Inferno Armor), the armor that came forth from the void, is now here!

This is the fourth entry in the "Chou-Dan-Kadou" action figure series which features attachable armor that can be equipped to a fully posable character action figure.

The armor can be displayed on its own using the included frame base to recreate the "Armor decoration form" it appears as when summoned.

The product also comes with a total of four face parts with different expressions that stay true to Norio Shioyama's original character design of Ryo.

Part of the armor is made of magnet.

A large portion of the armor has a very classy pearl white finish, which befits the "Legendary Armor".

Head parts and weapons are interchangeable with those of "Rekka no Ryo", the first figure in the series.


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    Feedback degli utenti
    •  12.03.2025 

      Perfetto come sempre !!!!

    •  12.03.2025 

      Perfetto come sempre !!!!

    •  12.03.2025 

      Perfetto come sempre !!!!

    •  12.03.2025 

      Statuina stupenda, perfettamente conforme alla descrizione. Spedizione rapidissima, scatola e statua in condizioni impeccabili, e a un prezzo davvero competitivo rispetto ad altri rivenditori. Non si poteva chiedere niente di meglio, sono estremamente soddisfatto.

    •  12.03.2025 

      Envío muy rápido y perfectamente protegido. Todo genial.

    •  12.03.2025 

      Fast shipping, object in perfect condition, very well packed, thank you!!

    •  12.03.2025 

      Alles OK !

    •  12.03.2025 

      Soddisfatto, oggetto nuovo e conforme alla descrizione! Venditore consigliato! Top??

    •  12.03.2025 

      Everything went perfectly! Item absolutely perfect! Super fast shipping and secure packaging! Highly recommended! Danke aus Deutschland!!

    •  11.03.2025 

      ottimo negozio , di sicuro in futuro sarà una esperienza da ripetere .Gli do un bel 10 +

    Elenco completo »

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