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HORIZON FORBIDDEN WEST - Moderoid - Thunderjaw Plastic Model Kit

HORIZON FORBIDDEN WEST - Moderoid - Thunderjaw Plastic Model KitHORIZON FORBIDDEN WEST - Moderoid - Thunderjaw Plastic Model KitHORIZON FORBIDDEN WEST - Moderoid - Thunderjaw Plastic Model KitHORIZON FORBIDDEN WEST - Moderoid - Thunderjaw Plastic Model KitHORIZON FORBIDDEN WEST - Moderoid - Thunderjaw Plastic Model KitHORIZON FORBIDDEN WEST - Moderoid - Thunderjaw Plastic Model KitHORIZON FORBIDDEN WEST - Moderoid - Thunderjaw Plastic Model KitHORIZON FORBIDDEN WEST - Moderoid - Thunderjaw Plastic Model KitHORIZON FORBIDDEN WEST - Moderoid - Thunderjaw Plastic Model Kit

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104,90 Iva inclusa (22%)

Cod. art.: GSC20755
Condizioni: Nuovo
Marca: Good Smile Company
Tipologia: Model Kit - No Grade
EAN/UPC: 4580590207554
Disponibilità: prossimo arrivo
From the globally acclaimed open-world game Horizon Forbidden West by Guerrilla comes a plastic model kit of one of the game's most fearsome machines: the Thunderjaw!

- The model stands at 380mm in length when assembled, making it one of the largest MODEROID plastic models to date.
- The body of the Thunderjaw, densely packed with mechanical detail, has been faithfully captured in model kit form.
- The model features several points of articulation, including drawer joints in the neck and tail which allow for swinging motions.
- The Thunderjaw's signature weapons-its disc launchers and mouth laser-have been carefully created with highly detailed modeling.
- The band parts that connect its body to the cannons on the sides of its head are made with PVC material.
- The model can also be displayed in a partially destroyed state by removing some parts of the head, body and tail.
- In order to support the gigantic body of the model, pre-assembled ratchet joints are used at the hip joints.
- Water-slide decals are included.


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    Feedback degli utenti
    •  13.03.2025 

      Objet conforme à la description, bien emballé et rapidement envoyé. Merci+++

    •  13.03.2025 

      Sempre al top!

    •  13.03.2025 

      It came a lot earlier than expected which i'm super happy with! it was also came really well packaged and the box itself is in great condition :)

    •  13.03.2025 

      Ottimo stato di conservazione per un manga non vecchissimo, però ormai introvabile presso canali standard. Spedizione costosa ma arrivata in un giorno

    •  13.03.2025 


    •  13.03.2025 

      Fantastic service and great choice of carrier.

    •  12.03.2025 

      Vielen lieben Dank nochmal. Hat alles super geklappt. Absolut empfehlenswert??. Gerne demnächst mal wieder ??

    •  12.03.2025 

      Perfetto come sempre !!!!

    •  12.03.2025 

      Perfetto come sempre !!!!

    •  12.03.2025 

      Perfetto come sempre !!!!

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