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FIRE EMBLEM - Three Houses - Byleth Female Pop Up Parade Pvc Figure

FIRE EMBLEM - Three Houses - Byleth Female Pop Up Parade Pvc FigureFIRE EMBLEM - Three Houses - Byleth Female Pop Up Parade Pvc FigureFIRE EMBLEM - Three Houses - Byleth Female Pop Up Parade Pvc FigureFIRE EMBLEM - Three Houses - Byleth Female Pop Up Parade Pvc FigureFIRE EMBLEM - Three Houses - Byleth Female Pop Up Parade Pvc FigureFIRE EMBLEM - Three Houses - Byleth Female Pop Up Parade Pvc Figure

Feedback degli utenti


54,90 Iva inclusa (22%)

Cod. art.: GSC20029
Condizioni: Nuovo
Marca: Good Smile Company
Tipologia: Static Figure - Pvc
EAN/UPC: 4580590200296
Disponibilità: prossimo arrivo
POP UP PARADE is a series of figures that are easy to collect with affordable prices and speedy releases! Each figure typically stands around 17-18cm in height and the series features a vast selection of characters from popular anime and game series, with many more to be added soon!
This rendition of Byleth, which was made to commemorate the fifth anniversary of "Fire Emblem: Three Houses", features the protagonist wielding the Sword of the Creator. Look forward to the upcoming Dorothea, Sylvain and Hilda as well!


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    Feedback degli utenti
    •  06.01.2025 

      Very nice figure. Absolutely realistic! Very good quality! Nice packed, and arrived safely in time!

    •  06.01.2025 

      Parfait merci

    •  06.01.2025 

      Seller shipped really fast and had the product super safely secured, way more than would have been necessary. Highly recommend this seller!

    •  06.01.2025 

      Fantastic item and fast delivery, couldn't be happier!

    •  06.01.2025 

      item was dispatched quickly and arrived in good conidition: very happy with purchase

    •  05.01.2025 

      Ottimo Prezzo! Spedizione molto veloce!

    •  05.01.2025 

      Ottimo condizioni perfette

    •  05.01.2025 

      Ottimo Venditore. Spedizione estremamente rapida e articolo in ottime condizioni e adeguatamente imballato. Consigliato!

    •  05.01.2025 

      Bien reçu et en parfaite état. :)

    •  05.01.2025 

      Ottimo prodotto !! Qualità molto alta

    Elenco completo »

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