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LORD OF THE RINGS - Royal Guard of Rohan 1/6 Polystone Statue

LORD OF THE RINGS - Royal Guard of Rohan 1/6 Polystone StatueLORD OF THE RINGS - Royal Guard of Rohan 1/6 Polystone StatueLORD OF THE RINGS - Royal Guard of Rohan 1/6 Polystone StatueLORD OF THE RINGS - Royal Guard of Rohan 1/6 Polystone StatueLORD OF THE RINGS - Royal Guard of Rohan 1/6 Polystone Statue

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999,90 Iva inclusa (22%)

Cod. art.: WETA860102782
Condizioni: Nuovo
Marca: Weta
Tipologia: Statue - Polystone
Scala: 1/6
EAN/UPC: 9420024727829
Disponibilità: disponibile disponibile per la spedizione immediata
Calling upon those who dwelt upon the plains in scattered hamlets, farms and outlying villages, the kingdom of Rohan could muster a grand army of riders in times of great need, but few among the defenders bore arms every day.

Farmers, herders, trade and craftsmen, most led lives of quiet, tending to their work to feed their families. Yet even in times of peace and plenty the kings of Rohan also maintained a standing force of dedicated royal guards to protect the throne and other vital sites within the realm.

Unlike the plainsmen, who brought and cared for their own arms when called, Rohan's royal guards were provisioned by the king and wore uniforms marking their station. Standing at attention outside the Golden Hall, they were clad in hauberks of scaled mail, with girded swords, broad pauldrons, cloaks of royal green, and tall helms that gleamed beneath a bright sky.

Rohan Royal Guard is brought to you by sculptor Gary Hunt, an accomplished artist who is one of Weta Workshop's longest-serving crew members, being part of the original Lord of the Rings crew.

Product size: 27 x 37 x 17 cm

Limited to 375 pieces.


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    Feedback degli utenti
    •  21.10.2024 

      La perfezione

    •  21.10.2024 

      Transazione eccellente, spedizione veloce e accurata. Consigliatissimo!

    •  19.10.2024 

      Prodotto perfetto, esattamente come in foto. Venditore veloce ed affidabile. Consigliatissimo

    •  19.10.2024 

      Vecchio modello mancante nella mia collezione. Anche se datato, è comunque un buon prodotto entry level.

    •  19.10.2024 

      Interessante modello della serie. Sembra essere un piacevole model kit. Ai posteri la sentenza definitiva.

    •  19.10.2024 

      Great ebayer, fast payment, friendly comms, a pleasure to deal with! A+++

    •  19.10.2024 


    •  18.10.2024 

      Tutto perfetto! Oggetto nuovo come da descrizione. Venditore serio e affidabile. Molto consigliato

    •  18.10.2024 

      Preciso e Velocissimo! Consigliato!!

    •  18.10.2024 

      Ringrazio infinitamente, l'articolo è arrivato, e la spedizione è stata davvero veloce. Grazie anche per l'imballaggio. Venditore 5 stelle su 5. ? ??

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