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LORD OF THE RINGS - Figures of Fandom - Lurtz Pvc Figure

LORD OF THE RINGS - Figures of Fandom - Lurtz Pvc FigureLORD OF THE RINGS - Figures of Fandom - Lurtz Pvc FigureLORD OF THE RINGS - Figures of Fandom - Lurtz Pvc FigureLORD OF THE RINGS - Figures of Fandom - Lurtz Pvc FigureLORD OF THE RINGS - Figures of Fandom - Lurtz Pvc FigureLORD OF THE RINGS - Figures of Fandom - Lurtz Pvc FigureLORD OF THE RINGS - Figures of Fandom - Lurtz Pvc FigureLORD OF THE RINGS - Figures of Fandom - Lurtz Pvc Figure

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144,90 Iva inclusa (22%)

Cod. art.: WETA865203345
Condizioni: Nuovo
Marca: Weta
Tipologia: Static Figure - Pvc
EAN/UPC: 9420024733455
Disponibilità: disponibile disponibile per la spedizione immediata
From the certified cool-stuff addicts at Weta Workshop comes Figures of Fandom: a range of collectibles featuring iconic characters from film, television, and gaming! New in the mix: The Lord of the Rings.

Bred at an accelerated rate beneath the Tower of Orthanc by the fallen Wizard Saruman, Lurtz is the first of a new breed of Orcs sent to attack the Fellowship at Amon Hen. Tall, broad-backed and fearsome, these fighting Uruk-hai can run long distances without rest, even beneath a bright sun. Lurtz leads a scouting party of many dozen of the brutes, lynx-eyed and alert for any sign of their quarry as they hunt for the Hobbits amid the woods of Parth Galen.

Let your fan flag fly with Figures of Fandom: iconic characters from the hottest in pop culture. Made from high-quality PVC at approximately 1:8 scale, each character is faithfully captured through 3D sculpting and comes complete with a stylised environmental base.

Product features:

- By fans, for fans;
- Sculpted by Yorke Yu;
- Made from high-quality PVC;
- Lurtz is paired with his Uruk-hai sword and shield;
- Base design depicts the forest of Amon Hen;

We've designed Lurtz as a companion piece to Aragorn. Two warriors unmatched on the eternal battlefield of good and evil. Here the mighty Lurtz prepares to launch his shield and trap his foe; muscles bulging as he prepares to strike with fury and precision..."


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    Feedback degli utenti
    •  04.01.2025 

      Ordine perfetto, conforme alla descrizione, arrivato in pochissimo tempo e ben imballato. Venditore consigliato.

    •  04.01.2025 

      Alles so wie es sein soll, gerne wieder

    •  04.01.2025 

      Envoie rapide et bien emballé. L'objet est impeccable. Merci

    •  04.01.2025 

      Tutto perfetto. A+++++

    •  04.01.2025 

      Oggetto come da descrizione,spedizione veloce e ben imballato,transazione positiva e venditore consigliato

    •  03.01.2025 


    •  03.01.2025 

      I am happy the figurine arrived very quickly and especially well protected on the cardboard it was written fragile that is really nice from the seller then the condition of the figurine is perfect it is still in its original box sealed and the figurine in its original plastic really I am happy with my purchase thank you

    •  03.01.2025 

      Spedizione giunta in tempo in ottime condizioni. Per fortuna ne esisteva ancora una copia singola nel mondo!

    •  03.01.2025 

      Come da immagine,ottimo

    •  03.01.2025 

      Soddisfatto del mio acquisto! Consigliato!

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