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EVANGELION - EVA-01 Evangelion 2.0 Ver. Model Kit

EVANGELION - EVA-01 Evangelion 2.0 Ver. Model KitEVANGELION - EVA-01 Evangelion 2.0 Ver. Model KitEVANGELION - EVA-01 Evangelion 2.0 Ver. Model KitEVANGELION - EVA-01 Evangelion 2.0 Ver. Model KitEVANGELION - EVA-01 Evangelion 2.0 Ver. Model KitEVANGELION - EVA-01 Evangelion 2.0 Ver. Model KitEVANGELION - EVA-01 Evangelion 2.0 Ver. Model KitEVANGELION - EVA-01 Evangelion 2.0 Ver. Model KitEVANGELION - EVA-01 Evangelion 2.0 Ver. Model KitEVANGELION - EVA-01 Evangelion 2.0 Ver. Model KitEVANGELION - EVA-01 Evangelion 2.0 Ver. Model KitEVANGELION - EVA-01 Evangelion 2.0 Ver. Model Kit

Feedback degli utenti


54,90 Iva inclusa (22%)

Cod. art.: BAN963116
Condizioni: Nuovo
Marca: Bandai
Tipologia: Model Kit - No Grade
EAN/UPC: 4543112631169
Disponibilità: non disponibile
Bandai's snap-fit injection kits never cease to amaze and this Evangelion is no exception. Fully posable upon completion the 01 Test Type comes with an Entry Plug, Umbilical Cable, Pallet Gun, Progressive Knife which fold up and fits in the shoulder, An A.T. Field and extra hands! Marking stickers are also provided.


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    Tempi di spedizione
    Feedback degli utenti
    •  21.12.2024 

      Tutto ok. Ottimi tempi di consegna

    •  21.12.2024 

      Perfetto in tutto grazie

    •  21.12.2024 


    •  21.12.2024 

      Ottimo venditore, transazione perfetta!!!

    •  21.12.2024 

      Super happy. item arrived very quickly through Europe and was in perfect condition. 5/5

    •  20.12.2024 

      I'm sure the receiver will be thrilled. Thank you

    •  20.12.2024 

      Tutto ok, fumetto come nuovo

    •  20.12.2024 


    •  20.12.2024 

      straordinario!!! TOP

    •  20.12.2024 

      Excellent postage : Fast and well packaged. Item arrived in pristine condition. Competitive prices. Very happy and would do business with again. Highly reccomended.

    Elenco completo »

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