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FROZEN - Elsa Let It Go Master Craft Statue

FROZEN - Elsa Let It Go Master Craft StatueFROZEN - Elsa Let It Go Master Craft StatueFROZEN - Elsa Let It Go Master Craft StatueFROZEN - Elsa Let It Go Master Craft StatueFROZEN - Elsa Let It Go Master Craft StatueFROZEN - Elsa Let It Go Master Craft StatueFROZEN - Elsa Let It Go Master Craft StatueFROZEN - Elsa Let It Go Master Craft StatueFROZEN - Elsa Let It Go Master Craft Statue

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429,90 Iva inclusa (22%)

Cod. art.: BKDMC-087
Condizioni: Nuovo
Marca: Beast Kingdom
Tipologia: Statue - Polystone
EAN/UPC: 4711385247558
Disponibilità: prossimo arrivo
"Let it go~ let it go~" - does that tune make you want to sing along?

Since its release in 2014, Frozen has made Elsa one of the world's most beloved princesses. Beast Kingdom now presents this high-quality collectible from the Master Craft series, capturing the powerful moment when Elsa steps out, head high, in full confidence. Using precise 3D sculpting and hand-painting, every detail shines, from her poised expression to her flowing, icy gown, adorned with shimmering, transparent fabric to mimic the sparkle of snowflakes.

Elsa stands on a finely crafted base with a six-pointed snowflake, ready to cast her magic. With only 3,000 pieces available globally, each with a unique plaque, bring home this iconic Snow Queen and let her remind you to "Let It Go" and embrace the journey ahead.

- Combining 3D sculpting and hand-painting techniques, with a specially designed shimmering transparent fabric.
- Recreates Elsa's iconic Let It Go pose from Frozen.
- Limited to 3,000 pieces worldwide, each with a unique numbered plaque.

Product Size: 40 cm


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    Feedback degli utenti
    •  21.02.2025 


    •  21.02.2025 

      Everything went smoothly. I can recommend this eBay seller!

    •  21.02.2025 

      Everything went smoothly. I can recommend this eBay seller!

    •  21.02.2025 

      Tutto perfetto

    •  21.02.2025 

      Guter Preis, sehr schnelle Lieferung von Italien nach Deutschland, sehr gute OVP Ware, reibungsloser Ablauf - alles Top. Good Price, very fast Shipping from Italy to Germany, very good Quality of the Product, smooth Process - all good.

    •  21.02.2025 

      Tutto perfetto A+++

    •  21.02.2025 

      Puntuale come da richiesta e integro in tutte le sue parti .venditore consigliato!

    •  21.02.2025 

      Shipment arrived safe and well, a pleasure to do business with! A+

    •  21.02.2025 

      Qualità e servizio eccellente come sempre ,grazie

    •  21.02.2025 

      Arrivato in tempi previsti, tutto ben imballato e prodotto in ottime condizioni.

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