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Feedback degli utenti
  •  14.03.2025 

    Perfetto come da descrizione

  •  14.03.2025 

    Articolo arrivato con tempi di spedizione eccellenti, imballato accuratamente e in perfette condizioni. Venditore Top!!!

  •  14.03.2025 

    Damn good seller. Very fast delivery and packaging. Love the figure. Thank you very much.

  •  14.03.2025 

    I received my package in good condition with no problem and I'm very satisfied to have it. Recommended seller 100% Thank you very much. Madhouse Italy.

  •  14.03.2025 

    I bought this as the second of two gifts for my friend's birthday, and he was utterly thrilled! Because of the way Zengiata is posed, he's able to display him on his bookshelf alongside the rest of his Lupin collection with the clip still attached (he has to lean against something to keep him up though, due to the clip). The figure has good colour quality and arrived in the pictured packaging. Overall, we're both very satisfied with the figure and I believe this to have been a great purchase.

  •  14.03.2025 

    Ordered this figure as 1 of 2 gifts for my friend for his birthday and he absolutely loves it! It is indeed a monochrome blue jacket Lupin figure as pictured, and it is quite tall but should fit fine on most bookshelves. It arrived with my friend in great condition and he is very satisfied with the quality. Overall, I would say this was money well spent.

  •  14.03.2025 

    Spedizione velocissima!oggetto nuovo come da descrizione +++

  •  14.03.2025 

    Bellissimo ma deludente nelle dimensioni

  •  14.03.2025 

    Tutto perfetto

  •  14.03.2025 

    Oggetto arrivato in ottime condizioni. Imballo curato. Tempistiche veloci e spedizione senza problemi.

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